What Does Risk Mean to You?

As a business decision-maker, you weigh risk and reward every day. Thousands, millions, even billions of dollars move on your command.

But what about the risks you can't control. What about the risks involved in your personal safety or the safety of your family? What about the risks involved in your business locations spread out around the world?

Would you know what to do if one of your key employees was kidnapped? What if one of your employees was the target of a stalker? Would you know how to respond to malicious news about you or your business in a local market? What if a country put out a warrant for your arrest based on an innocent comment at an informal gathering?

There's risk. And then there's risk. As a smart business person, you can handle most business risks when it comes to dollars and deals. But, when it comes to the other kinds of risk—physical, psychological, legal—are you prepared?

If Japan is the safest country in the world...

Why would you need security consulting services in one of the safest countries in the world? Because "safe" is always a relative term. And the security landscape of Japan—just like every country—is constantly in flux.

Security consulting is more than body guards, dark sunglasses, and earpieces. Of course, close personal security is part of corporate security consulting, but there's much more to it. Background checks for business partners, potential investors, and potential executive hires. Educating your employees about personal safety and company security. Making sure events and press conferences aren't subject to unwanted interference. Contingency plans for natural disasters. The list goes on and on.

Think of any threat to personal or corporate security, and that threat exists in every country of the world. Even in Japan.

MAKOTO Secret: Security Consulting Experts protecting you and your company through...

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Typical Engagements

Makoto Secret has a track record of more than 2,000 successful engagements. Here are a few typical engagements and services we provide for major public companies, business leaders, politicians, and corporate employees:

Close Protection/Executive Protection

  • Chairman and directors of a public company
  • Family member(s) of a former prime minister
  • Family member(s) of a former president (undisclosed nation)
  • Founder of a foreign venture company

Crisis Management

  • Consulting, plan assessment for corporate crisis management and response

Seminars/Education (in Japanese)

  • How to deal with extortion
  • The threat of organized crime syndicates
  • Training employees related to stalking, domestic violence, workplace harassment, personal safety, workplace violence, etc.

Feel free to contact us to set up a free consultation or ask us any questions about our services or the security landscape in Japan.

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Why Trust MAKOTO Secret?

We provide street-smart experience and close ties to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Chiba Prefectural Police to ensure you have a strong security plan and a quick path to crisis resolution.

With more than 2,000 engagements to date, Makoto Secret has the experience, skills, and connections to see your assignment to a successful conclusion. Our management and staff include professionals with unique experience and networks in some of Japan's largest police forces. This means we have seen almost every situation imaginable, and we can get quick, straight answers to your security questions or concerns when the need arises.

Company Overview

Company nameMakoto Secret Service Consulting Co., Ltd.
President and CEO  Makoto Tamaru
EstablishedJanuary 29, 2013
Address3-6-21 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0051

Singapore officeKokusai Security Pte Ltd
Quality Service Manager  SM Jeagan

Makoto Tamaru

Before founding Japan's first close personal security company staffed by former police professionals, Tamaru served in the Chiba Prefecture police force. During his tenure with the police, Tamaru worked special event security, coastal security, personal security, and other specialty posts. Makoto Secret has been endorsed by the Counselor of the Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters Security Department.

Takayuki Nagai

Nagai serves as a special advisor to Makoto Security. He has worked in personal security and event security logistics for a variety of companies and government agencies, including Japan Airlines, Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan's Cabinet Office, politicians, and leading business figures. Nagai has also served on many assignments involving the protection of foreign dignitaries and leaders visiting Japan.

To inquire about Makoto Secret services, please contact us now.
We will respond within two business days.

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Executive Protection/Event Security

Contingency Planning/Crisis Management

Corporate Compliance Risk Management

Background Verification Servicest